Thursday 13 November 2014

How to quicken delivery of your postal item

The post office remains relevant even today, besides the fact that hard copy documents and letters still flood postal sorting centers, e-commerce has empowered the post office as well. The global trend show an increase in the number of parcels handled within the post office.

People that want to use the post office should know that the post office has a global obligation of delivering shipments on time. The global delivery standard, even though many countries cannot meet it, is 6 days at 90 percent success rate. All postal administrations have an obligation to work towards meeting this goal. This is a topic for another day but for now let me give you some guidelines on how to make sure your items takes the shortest time possible to reach the recipient.

1. Observe critical times of posting.Critical time is an estimated time it takes for the last item posted to get into a mailbag that will connect to the next sorting center or office. Items posted late in the day are most likely to be left for processing the following day. However, this might not be the case with postal administration that have night shifts. It is a standard requirement for postal operators to put critical time notices on posting boxes.

2. Post at the begging of the week. If the post office is closer to where you go for church, try posting after lunch on Sunday. This will make your postal item get Monday priority and connect on the very first processed letters.

3. If you have a chance or you will be travelling to bigger cities or towns, take your item with you and post it from there. Bigger post offices normally have enhanced operations with more staff and the best equipment.

4. Address your item clearly. If your hand writting is not good, the sorting officer might be tempted to put it aside and deal with it later. This is surely not the right way of doing things, but we are largely talking about people doing the work in Africa. Even a sorting machine might reject your item for human handling if the address in not clear. You will have done yourself great favour printing the postal address from a computer.

These are just tips that will cost you no extra charge yet they will help you optimise the delivery standard of your item.

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